"Aegidii Romani de doctrina modorum." Angelicum 12 (1935), 449-501.
- "Hiltalinger’s Augustinian Quotations." Augustiniana 4 (1954), 412-449.
- "Telógos agustinos alemanes del siglo XIV." Archivo Agustiniano 48 (1954), 277-300.
"The Portiuncula Discussion of Cremona (ca. 1380): New Light on 14th Century Disputations." Recherches de Théologie ancienne et médiévale 22 (1955), 79-94.
"Augustinian Theology of the 14th Century: Notes on Editions, Marginalia, Opinions and Book-Lore." Augustiniana 6 (1956), 146-274.
- "Alfonsus Vargas Toletanus." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed., J. Hofer and K. Rahner, 2nd ed. (Freiburg: Herder, 1957-65), I, 334.
- "Clm 27034: Unchristened Nominalism and Wycliffite Realism at Prague in 1381."Recherches de Théologie ancienne et médiévale 24 (1957), 320-360.
- "Peter Ceffons of Clairvaux." Recherches de Théologie ancienne et médiévale 24(1957), 101-154.
- "Gregory of Rimini’s Manuscripts, Editions and Additions." Augustiniana 8 (1958), 425-443.
- "Dionysius v. Borgo San Sepolcro." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1959), III, 405-406.
- "Facinus de Asti," Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1959), III, 1337.
- "Gerhard v. Siena." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1960), IV, 722-723.
- "Gregory v. Rimini." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1960), IV, 722-723.
- "Jacobus de Appamiis." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1960), V, 835.
- "Jakob v. Viterbo." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1960), V, 849.
- "Johannes Hiltalingen v. Basel." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1960), V, 1007.
- "Johannes Klenkok." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1960), 1050-1051.
- "Augustine and His Influence." A Catholic Dictionary of Theology, ed., H. F. Davis (London: Thomas Nelson, 1962), I, 209-222.
- "New Approaches to Gregory of Rimini." Augustinianum 2 (1962), 115-130.
- "Angelus de Dobelin, Doctor Parisiensis, and His Lectura." Augustinianum 3 (1963), 389-413.
- "The Quaestiones of Dionysius de Burgo OSA," Augustinianum 3 (1963), 63-78.
- "Gregorio de Rimini y el nominalismo." Augustinianum 4 (1964), 5-20.
- "Notes on John Klenkok OSA (d. 1374)." Augustinianum 4 (1964), 358-404.
- "Simon v. Cremona." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1964), IX, 766.
- "Simonis de Cremona OESA, Lectura super 4 LL. Sententiarum MS Cremona 118, ff. 1-136." Augustinianum 4 (1964), 123-146.
- "Harvest of Medieval Theology." Augustinianum 5 (1965), 147-151.
- "’Moderns’ and ‘Modernists’ in MS Fribourg Cordeliers 26." Augustinianum 5 (1965), 241-270.
- "Notes on some Manuscripts of the Augustinian Michael de Massa (d. 1337)."Augustinianum 5 (1965), 58-133.
- "Thomas v. Strassburg." Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 2nd ed. (1965), X, 147-148.
"La tomba bisoma di Tommaso da Strasburgo e Gregorio da Rimini." Augustinianum 6 (1966), 5-17.
"J. Langs ‘Christologie bei H. von Langenstein’: eine dogmengeschichtiliche Untersuchung?" Augustinianum 7 (1967), 525-532.
- Documentazione Ritiana Antiqua, ed. A. Damasus Trapp. Vol. I: Il Processo del 1626 e la sua letteratura, (1968); vol. II: Il Volto veritiero di Santa Rita, (1968); vol. III: Gli Statuti di Cascia Stampati a Cascia nel 1545. (1968); vol. IV: L’Archivio notarile di Santa Rita (L‘ambiente agostiniano), (1970). Cascia: Monasterio di Santa Rita, 1968-70.
- Giuseppe Bartolomeo Menocchio OSA, Prefetto del Sacrario Apostolico, Confessore di Pio VII (1741-1823): Diari e Lettere. Edited by Damasus Trapp and G.L. Masetti-Zannini, 6 vols. Roma, 1968-1970.
Album Santa Rita, (Cascia: Monasterio di Santa Rita, 1969).
- "Dreistufiger Editionsprozess und dreiartige Zitationsweise bei den Augustinertheologen des 14. Jahrhunderts." Cor Unum 32 (1974), 100-107.
- "Rapporto sul SFB 8 di Tübingen." Analecta Augustiniana 37 (1974), 415-417.
"Dreistfiger Editionsprozess und dreiartige Zitationsweise bei den Augustinertheologen des 14. Jahrhunderts." Augustiniana 25 (1975), 283-292. (cf. Cor Unum 32 (1974), 100-107).
"Der Anselmische Gottesbeweis in der Wertung Gregors von Rimini." AnalectaAugustiniana 40 (1977), 47-60.
- Gregorii Ariminensis OESA Lectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Edited by A. Damasus Trapp and Venicio Marcolino. Vol. I: Super Primum Dist. 1-6 (1981); vol. II: Super Primum Dist. 7-17 (1982); vol. III: Super Primum Dist. 19-48 (1984); vol. IV: Super Secundum Dist. 1-5 (1979); vol. V: Super Secundum Dist. 6-18 (1979); vol. VI: Super Secundum Dist. 24-44 (1980); vol. VII: Indices 1987),. Spätmittelalter und Reformation Texte und Untersuchungen 6-12. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1979-1987.
- "Notes on the Tübingen Edition of Gregory of Rimini." Augustiniana 29 (1979), 238-241.
- "Notes on the Tübingen Edition of Gregory of Rimini II." Augustiniana 30 (1980), 46-57.
- "Notes on the Tübingen Edition of Gregory of Rimini III: The Critical Edition of Gregory (d. 1358) promoted by the SFB 8 of the University of Tubingen advances steadily."Augustiniana 30 (1980), 251-253.
Rita of Cascia. Augustinian Publications, New York and Marylake, 1981.
"A Round-Table Discussion of a Parisian OCist-Team and OESA-Team about Ad 1350."Recherches de Théologie ancienne et médiévale 51 (1984), 206-222.
"Gregor v. Rimini (c. 1300-1358)." Theologische Realenzyklopädie, eds. Gerhard Krause und Gerhard Muller. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1985, XIV, 181-184.
In addition to the above works, Father Trapp published at least 19 reviews of books.
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