Augustiniana - Indici della Rivista

Augustiniana - Indici della Rivista

Augustinian Historical Institute, Lovanio

Vol. 61 (2011) -


Tome 61
Eckermann, Willigis In Erinnerung an P.Dr.Dr. Adolar Zumkeller OSA (1915-2011) 61(2011)1-2,7-9
Moore, Dwayne Truth and image in Augustinian epistemology 61(2011)1-2,11-48
Adkin, Neil Labor tam utilis : Sallust in Augustine on the Vulgate 61(2011)1-2,49-53
Paletta, John The ordo sapientiae : Augustine's program for philosophical study in his early works 61(2011)1-2,55-74
Plszewiski, O. Introduction to the edition of the prologue to the Commentary on the sentences by Augustinus Triumphus of Ancona 61(2011)1-2,75-153
Partoens, Gert The earliest phase of the Jansenist controversy among the Flemish Capuchins 61(2011)1-2,155-185
Boersma, Gerald P. "Exquisite and precious vessels": Doctrina in Book 1 of Augustine's Confessions 62(2011)3-4,187-205
Paletta, John The theme of ontological dependence in Confessions book 7 chapters 14-20 61(2011)3-4,207-223
Partoens, Gert The earliest phase of the Jansenist controversy among the Flemish Capuchins. Part II : the cases of Augustinus of 's Hertogenbosch and Fulgentius of Maaseik 61(2011)3-4,225-269
Dorfbauer, Lukas J. Commendaciones Augustini: textsammlungen zum Lob des Augustinus aus dem Umfeld des Augustinereremitenordens. Mit einer Edition von Pseudepigrapha 61(2011)3-4,271-333
  Book reviews 61(2011)3-4,335-359
Tome 62
Yin Yam, Cheuk & Dupont, Anthony A mind-centered approach of imago Dei : a dynamic construction in Augustine's De trinitate XIV 62(2012)1-2,7-43
Côté, Antoine Le Quodlibet I, question 17 de Jacques de Viterbe : introduction, traduction et notes 62(2012)1-2,45-76
de Cevins, Marie-Madeleine Les ermites de saint Augustin en Hongrie médiévale : état des connaissances 62(2012)1-2,77-117
Schneider, Hans Die autobiografischen Aufzeichungen des Nürnberger Augustinereremiten Nikolaus Besler 62(2012)1-2,119-152
Catalano, Chiara Dai pelagiani ai recentiores : l'affaire du plagiaire (Garasse) nell'Augustinus e nella corrispondenza di Cornelis Jansen 62(2012)1-2,153-188
Mowbray, Allan Augustine, the semi-Pelagian 62(2012)3-4,189-249
Mayer, Cornelius Augustinus : "Ich will, dass Du bist" (?) : zum Problem der angeblich augustinischen Herkunft dieser Sentenz 62(2012)3-4,251-264
Trélat, Philippe L'ordre des frères ermites de saint-Augustin en Méditerranée orientale et leur couvent nicosiate (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) 62(2012)3-4,265-290
Yilun, Cai The efficacy of grace according to Domingo Bañez 62(2012)3-4,291-326
  Book reviews 62(2012)3-4,327-343